Endangered Fish of Australia
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Common Name Range ***
Adamson's Grunter Papua New Guinea
Banded Eagle Ray Australia
Baramundi Cod Australia
Basking Shark Australia
Bentfin Devil Ray Australia
Bigeye Tuna Australia
Black Cod Australia, New Zealand
Black Mogurnda Papua New Guinea
Black-blotched Stingray Australia
Blacksaddled Coral Grouper Australia
Blackspot Shark Australia, Papua New Guinea
Blackspot Tuskfish Australia
Blotched Mogurnda Papua New Guinea
Bowmouth Guitarfish Australia
Brindle Bass Australia
Bronze Whaler Australia
Brown-marbled Grouper Australia
Brown-spotted Catshark Australia, Papua New Guinea
Bumphead Parrotfish Australia
Cairns Rainbowfish Australia
Camouflage Grouper Australia
Cape Shark Australia
Common Sawfish Australia
Common Seahorse Australia
Common Shovelnose Ray Australia
Coral Catshark Papua New Guinea
Coral Trout Australia, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu
Deepwater Spiny Dogfish Australia
Devil Fish Australia
Dumb Gulper Shark Australia (New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria)
Eastern Angel Shark Australia
Estuary Cod Australia
Flat-faced Seahorse Australia
Fossil Shark Australia
Frilled Shark Australia, New Zealand
Galapagos Shark Australia
Giant Wrasse Australia
Gray Nurse Shark Australia
Great White Shark Australia
Grey Bamboo Shark Papua New Guinea
Hammerhead Shark Australia
Hardnose Shark Australia, Papua New Guinea
Hedgehog Seahorse Australia (Queensland)
Japanese Devilray Australia
Knifetooth Sawfish Australia, Papua New Guinea
Largetooth Sawfish Australia
Liver-oil Shark Australia
Longfin Mako Australia
Malabar Grouper Australia
Murray Cod Australia
New Guinea River Shark Australia
Oceanic Whitetip Shark Australia
Ogilby's Ghostshark Australia
One-finned Shark Australia
Ornate Eagle Ray Australia (Northern Territory, Queensland, Western Australia)
Porcupine Ray Australia
Portuguese Dogfish Australia
Prickly Shark Australia, New Zealand
Pygmy Devilray Australia
Sharptooth Lemon Shark, Sicklefin Lemon Shark Australia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu
Silver Perch Australia
Smoothnose Wedgefish Australia
Southern Bluefin Tuna Australia
Speartooth Shark Australia, Papua New Guinea
Spotted Eagle Ray Australia
Spotted Handfish Australia
Tasselled Wobbegong Australia, Papua New Guinea
Tawny Nurse Shark Australia
Variegated Mogurnda Papua New Guinea
Whale Shark Australia
White-spotted Guitarfish Australia (Queensland)
Whitecheek Shark Australia
Yellowback Stingaree Australia
Zebra Shark Australia

**What fishes are listed here?:

The Australia section of this site lists the folllowing fishes appearing on select endangered species lists:
  • Fishes that dwell in or migrate to any region found on the Australian continent and any nearby islands.
  • Fishes that dwell in or travel to New Zealand and any nearby islands.
  • Fishes that dwell in Papua New Guinea and nearby islands (east of Indonesia).

This list combines species from several endangered species lists. Using the total count of species found on this site as an official count of endangered species of the world is not recommended. For more information on what creatures are listed on this site, please visit our About EEC page.

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