Endangered Fish of Europe
Show fishes in Europe with profiles available.
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Common Name Range ***
Acadian Redfish Iceland
Acanthobrama spp. (1) Israel, Turkey
Achondrostoma spp. (2) Portugal, Spain
Adriatic Salmon Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro
Adriatic Sturgeon Albania, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Serbia and Montenegro
Aegean Minnow Greece
Ala Balik Turkey
Alosa vistonica Greece
Ammersee Kilch Germany
Amur Sturgeon Russia
Anaecypris hispanica Spain
Angel Shark Europe, Africa, and the Middle East
Angular Rough Shark Europe
Aphanius spp. (6) Greece, Israel, Jordan, Spain, Turkey
Arno Goby Italy
Asprete Romania
Atlantic Cod Europe
Atlantic Halibut Europe
Atlantic Sawtail Catshark Portugal, Spain
Baltic Sturgeon France
Barbatula spp. (5) Turkey
Barbel spp. (8) Albania, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Malawi, Morocco, Mozambique, Republic of Macedonia, Rwanda, South Africa, Spain, Swaziland, Switzerland, Syria, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine
Basking Shark Europe
Bastard Sturgeon Hungary, Kazakhstan, Russia, Serbia, Turkey
Beloribitsa Kazakhstan, Russia
Bigeye Tuna Europe
Blackchin Guitarfish Europe, Africa, and the Middle East
Blacksaddled Coral Grouper Europe
Blue Skate Europe, Africa, and the Middle East
Bottlenose Skate Europe
Brindle Bass Europe
Bronze Whaler Europe
Brown-marbled Grouper Europe
Camouflage Grouper Europe
Cape Shark Europe
Carpione Del Garda Italy
Chornaya Gudgeon Ukraine
Cobitis spp. (18) Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Republic of Macedonia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine
Common Guitarfish Europe, Africa, and the Middle East
Common Sawfish Europe
Corfu Toothcarp Albania, Greece
Danube Salmon Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine
Deepwater Spiny Dogfish Europe
Delminichthys spp. (4) Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia
Dere Kayasi Turkey
Devil Fish Europe
Doiran Bleak Greece, Republic of Macedonia
Dusky Grouper Europe
European Eel European coasts from the Black Sea to the White Sea (Russia), Rivers of the North Atlantic, Baltic and Mediterranean Seas
Fibreno Trout Italy
Frilled Shark France, Norway, Portugal (Madeira), Spain, United Kingdom
Galapagos Shark Europe
Giant Butterfly Ray Europe
Giant Devilray Cyprus, Gibraltar, Turkey
Giant Sturgeon Europe
Gray Nurse Shark Europe
Great White Shark Europe
Greenland Shark Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Norway, Russia
Gulper Shark Europe
Haddock Europe
Herault Sculpin France
Iberochondrostoma spp. (4) Portugal, Spain
Large-eyed Rabbitfish France, Iceland, Ireland, United Kingdom
Largetooth Sawfish Europe
Largetooth Sawfish Europe
Lavaret France, Switzerland
Liver-oil Shark Europe
Longfin Mako Europe
Lowfin Gulper Shark Portugal, Spain (Canary Islands)
Maltese Ray Italy, Malta
Maraene Whitefish Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands (Europe), Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden
Oceanic Whitetip Shark Europe
One-finned Shark Europe
Orontes Spotted Bleak Turkey
Parachondrostoma spp. (3) France, Spain, Switzerland
Persian Sturgeon Kazakhstan, Russia
Pfarrit Switzerland
Porbeagle Denmark, France, Gibraltar, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
Portuguese Dogfish Europe
Pseudophoxinus spp. (5) Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey
Rabbitfish Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East
Red Porgy Europe, Africa, and the Middle East
Romanian Loach Romania
Roving Coralgrouper British Indian Ocean Territory
Russian Sturgeon Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea
Rutilus spp. (5) Albania, Greece, Italy, Republic of Macedonia
Salvelinus spp. (15) Canada, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Norway, United Kingdom, United States
Sandfelchen Austria, Germany, Switzerland
Sawback Angelshark Europe
Shortspine Thornyhead Russia
Siraz Baliginin Capoeta Turkey
Star Sturgeon Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine
Sterlet Europe
Varsikloja Finland, Russia, Sweden
White Grouper Europe
Yalartza Greece

**What fishes are listed here?:

The Europe section of this site lists the folllowing fishes appearing on select endangered species lists:
  • Fishes that dwell in or migrate to any region found in Europe and any nearby islands of the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Fishes that dwell in the East Atlantic Ocean (Azores).
  • Fishes of Iceland.
  • Fishes that dwell in the Adriatic Sea and Sea of Azov.
  • Fishes that dwell in the Black and Caspian Sea.
  • Fishes that dwell in Corsica.
  • Fishes that dwell in Cyprus.
  • Fishes of the Palearctic.
  • Fishes of Russia.
  • Fishes of Eurasia.
  • Some species dwelling on the North African Coast.
  • Fishes of the Mediterranean Sea and islands located in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Fishes dwelling in islands of Spain (Canary, Balearic).

This list combines species from several endangered species lists. Using the total count of species found on this site as an official count of endangered species of the world is not recommended. For more information on what creatures are listed on this site, please visit our About EEC page.

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