Hesperodiaptomus spp. 

Area(s) Where Listed As Endangered:
California, North Carolina
Status/Date(s) Listed as Endangered:
  Scientific Name Status Listing Date Range
1. Hesperodiaptomus augustaensisVU-IUCN1996North Carolina
2. Hesperodiaptomus californiensisVU-IUCN1996California

Species/Common Names:
Hesperodiaptomus augustaensis
Hesperodiaptomus californiensis

Facts Summary:
Hesperodiaptomus is a genus of crustaceans of concern and found in the following area(s): California, North Carolina.

Featured Article

Ten creatures that may become extinct in the next 10 years
1. Leatherback Sea Turtle
Leatherback sea turtles have been around since pre-historic times. And unfortunately, if the species is allowed to vanish, scientists believe it will foreshadow the extinction of a host of other marine species. It is estimated that there are less than 5,000 nesting female leatherback sea turtles in the Pacific Ocean today, down from 91,000 in 1980.



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