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Zanthoxylum spp. 
Area(s) Where Listed As Endangered:
Africa, Central America, Hawaii, North America, Oceanic, South America

Species/Common Names:
Zanthoxylum albuquerquei
Zanthoxylum atchoum
Zanthoxylum belizense
Zanthoxylum chevalieri
Zanthoxylum deremense
Zanthoxylum dipetalum var. tomentosum
Zanthoxylum ferrugineum
Zanthoxylum flavum
West Indian Satinwood
Yellow Sanders
Zanthoxylum gentlei
Zanthoxylum harrisii
Zanthoxylum hartii
Zanthoxylum hawaiiense
Zanthoxylum heterophyllum
Zanthoxylum holtzianum
Zanthoxylum lindense
Zanthoxylum negrilense
Zanthoxylum oahuense
Oahu Prickly-ash
Zanthoxylum panamense
Zanthoxylum procerum
Zanthoxylum psammophilum
Zanthoxylum thomasianum
St. Thomas Prickly-ash

Facts Summary:
Zanthoxylum is a genus of plants of concern and found in the following area(s): Africa, Central America, Hawaii, North America, Oceanic, South America.

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Wikipedia Article
Copyright Notice: This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Zanthoxylum".

Status/Date(s) Listed as Endangered

  Scientific Name Status Listing Date Range
1. Zanthoxylum albuquerqueiVU-IUCN1998South America
2. Zanthoxylum atchoumVU-IUCN1998Africa
3. Zanthoxylum belizenseEN-IUCN1998Central America, North America
4. Zanthoxylum chevalieriVU-IUCN1998Africa
5. Zanthoxylum deremenseVU-IUCN1998Africa
6. Zanthoxylum dipetalum var. tomentosumEN-US FWSOctober 10, 1996Hawaii
7. Zanthoxylum ferrugineumEN-IUCN1998Central America
8. Zanthoxylum flavumVU-IUCN1998Central America, North America, Oceanic, South America
9. Zanthoxylum gentleiEN-IUCN1998Central America
10. Zanthoxylum harrisiiVU-IUCN1998Central America
11. Zanthoxylum hartiiVU-IUCN1998Central America
12. Zanthoxylum hawaiienseEN-US FWSMarch 4, 1994Hawaii
13. Zanthoxylum heterophyllumCR-IUCN1998Africa
14. Zanthoxylum holtzianumVU-IUCN1998Africa
15. Zanthoxylum lindenseVU-IUCN1998Africa
16. Zanthoxylum negrilenseEN-IUCN1998Central America
17. Zanthoxylum oahuenseVU-IUCN1998Hawaii
18. Zanthoxylum panamenseEN-IUCN1998Central America
19. Zanthoxylum procerumEN-IUCN1998Central America, North America
20. Zanthoxylum psammophilumEN-IUCN1998Africa
21. Zanthoxylum thomasianumEN-IUCN2003Central America, North America
   EN-US FWSDecember 20, 1985 

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