Oreopanax spp. 
Area(s) Where Listed As Endangered:
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru

Species/Common Names:
Oreopanax arcanus
Oreopanax avicenniifolius
Oreopanax candamoanus
Oreopanax cissoides
Oreopanax corazonensis
Oreopanax echinops
Oreopanax grandifolius
Oreopanax hedraeostrobilus
Oreopanax impolitus
Oreopanax ischnolobus
Oreopanax jelskii
Oreopanax lehmannii
Oreopanax lempiranus
Oreopanax obscurus
Oreopanax oerstediana
Oreopanax peltatus
Oreopanax raimondii
Oreopanax rosei
Oreopanax sanderianus
Oreopanax sessiliflorus
Oreopanax stenophyllus

Facts Summary:
Oreopanax is a genus of plants of concern and found in the following area(s): Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru.

This article is only an excerpt. If it appears incomplete or if you wish to see article references, visit the rest of its contents here.

Wikipedia Article
Copyright Notice: This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Oreopanax".

Status/Date(s) Listed as Endangered

  Scientific Name Status Listing Date Range
1. Oreopanax arcanusVU-IUCN1998Guatemala, Mexico
2. Oreopanax avicenniifoliusNT-IUCN2003Ecuador
3. Oreopanax candamoanusVU-IUCN1998Peru
4. Oreopanax cissoidesVU-IUCN1998Peru
5. Oreopanax corazonensisEN-IUCN2003Ecuador
6. Oreopanax echinopsVU-IUCN1998Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico
7. Oreopanax grandifoliusNT-IUCN2003Ecuador
8. Oreopanax hedraeostrobilusVU-IUCN2003Ecuador
9. Oreopanax impolitusEN-IUCN2003Ecuador
10. Oreopanax ischnolobusVU-IUCN1998Peru
11. Oreopanax jelskiiVU-IUCN1998Peru
12. Oreopanax lehmanniiCR-IUCN2003Ecuador
13. Oreopanax lempiranusCR-IUCN1998Honduras
14. Oreopanax obscurusVU-IUCN2003Ecuador
15. Oreopanax oerstedianaVU-IUCN1998Costa Rica, Panama
16. Oreopanax peltatusVU-IUCN1998Guatemala, Mexico
17. Oreopanax raimondiiVU-IUCN1998Peru
18. Oreopanax roseiVU-IUCN2003Ecuador
19. Oreopanax sanderianusVU-IUCN1998Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico
20. Oreopanax sessiliflorusVU-IUCN2003Ecuador
21. Oreopanax stenophyllusVU-IUCN1998Peru

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