Endangered Crustaceans of North America**
Show crustaceans in North America with profiles available.
Show all crustaceans of concern in North America.
Click on the species name to view its profile. Click on a species groups (mammals, reptiles, etc.) from the menu above to see more endangered creatures in North America.

Common Name Range ***
Aglaodiaptomus spp. (2) United States
Alabama Cave Shrimp Alabama
Angular Dwarf Crayfish Alabama, Mississippi
Apalachicola Cave Crayfish Florida, Georgia
Balcones Cave Shrimp Texas
Bastrop Crayfish Texas
Bearded Red Crayfish Mississippi
Benton County Cave Crayfish Arkansas, Missouri
Big Blue Spring Cave Crayfish Florida
Big-cheeked Cave Crayfish Florida
Black Creek Crayfish Florida
Blackbelted Crayfish Texas
Bousfield's Amphipod Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky
Brazoria Crayfish Texas
California Bay Pea Crab California
California Freshwater Shrimp California
Clifton Cave Isopod Kentucky
Coastal Flatwoods Crayfish Florida
Coastal Lowland Cave Crayfish Florida
Conservancy Fairy Shrimp California
Diminutive Amphipod Texas
Escambia Crayfish Alabama, Florida
Florida Cave Amphipod Florida
Florida Cave Shrimp Florida
Florida Fairy Shrimp Florida
Greenbrier Cave Crayfish West Virginia
Hay's Spring Amphipod District of Columbia
Hell Creek Crayfish Arkansas
Illinois Cave Amphipod Illinois
Jackson Prarie Crayfish Mississippi
Kentucky Cave Shrimp Kentucky
Lagniappe Crayfish Alabama, Mississippi
Lee County Cave Isopod Virginia
Longhorn Fairy Shrimp California
Miami Cave Crayfish Florida
Mississippi Flatwoods Crayfish Mississippi
Nickajack Cave Isopod Georgia, Tennessee
Noel's Amphipod New Mexico
Orconectes spp. (21) Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas
Parhippolyte sterreri Mexico
Peck's Cave Amphipod Texas
Pecos Amphipod Texas
Pennsylvania Cave Amphipod Maryland, Pennsylvania
San Diego Fairy Shrimp California
Sandhills Crayfish Georgia
Santa Fe Cave Crayfish Florida
Shasta Crayfish California
Socorro Isopod New Mexico
Sooty Crayfish California
Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp California, Oregon
Vernal Pool Tadpole Shrimp California

**What crustaceans are listed here?:

The North America section of this site lists the folllowing crustaceans appearing on select endangered species lists:
  • Crustaceans that dwell in or migrate to any part of the North American continent, except Hawaii, which has its own section.
  • Crustaceans of Greenland and adjacent Atlantic islands.
  • Crustaceans of the Mexican Holarctic.
  • Crustaceans of the Gulf of Maine.

This list combines species from several endangered species lists. Using the total count of species found on this site as an official count of endangered species of the world is not recommended. For more information on what creatures are listed on this site, please visit our About EEC page.

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