Endangered Corals, Jellyfish, and Sea Anemones of Australia
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Common Name Range ***
Acropora Coral (66) Africa, American Samoa, Asia, Australia, Central America, Europe, Gulf of Mexico, Middle East, North America (United States Territory), Oceanic
Alveopora spp. (10) Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East, Oceanic
Astreopora spp. (5) Australia
Australomussa rowleyensis Australia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands
Birdsnest Coral Australia
Blastomussa wellsi Australia
Blue Coral Australia
Branching Frogspawn Coral Australia
Cat's Eye Cynarina Coral Australia
Cauliflower Coral (4) Africa, Australia, Central America, Europe, North America, Oceanic, South America
Closed Brain Coral Australia
Diploastrea Brain Coral Australia
Echinopora spp. (5) Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East, Oceanic
Euphyllia paraglabrescens Papua New Guinea
False Flower Coral (4) Australia
Fungia fungites Australia
Goniastrea spp. (4) Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East, Oceanic
Goniopora spp. (9) Asia, Australia
Grape Coral Australia
Green Hammer Coral Australia
Green Torch Coral Australia
Hydnophora Coral (2) Asia, Australia
Isopora spp. (4) Asia, Australia
Knob Coral (12) Africa, Asia, Australia, Middle East
Millepora spp. (3) Africa, Asia, Australia, Central America, North America, Oceanic, South America
Montastrea spp. (6) Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Oceanic
Montipora spp. (41) Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East, North America (Hawaii/US Territory), Oceanic
Moon Coral (13) Australia
Octopus Coral (6) Australia
Open Brain Coral Australia
Organ Pipe Coral Australia
Oulophyllia spp. (2) Australia
Pavona spp. (6) Africa, Asia, Australia, Middle East, Oceanic
Porites spp. (21) Africa, Asia, Australia, Central America, Mexico, Middle East, North America (Hawaii/US Territory), South America
Psammocora spp. (4) Africa, Asia, Australia, Central America, Mexico, Oceanic, South America, United States/US Territory
Seriatopora aculeata Australia, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu
Seriatopora stellata Australia
Smooth Cauliflower Coral Australia
Starry Cup Coral (10) Africa, Asia, Australia, Middle East
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**What corals, jellyfish, and sea anemones are listed here?:

The Australia section of this site lists the folllowing corals, jellyfish, and sea anemones appearing on select endangered species lists:
  • Corals, Jellyfish, and Sea Anemones that dwell in or migrate to any region found on the Australian continent and any nearby islands.
  • Corals, Jellyfish, and Sea Anemones that dwell in or travel to New Zealand and any nearby islands.
  • Corals, Jellyfish, and Sea Anemones that dwell in Papua New Guinea and nearby islands (east of Indonesia).

This list combines species from several endangered species lists. Using the total count of species found on this site as an official count of endangered species of the world is not recommended. For more information on what creatures are listed on this site, please visit our About EEC page.

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